Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Butternut Squash

My family favorite winter squash was always Acorn. But, my husband has always favored the Butternut variety....and, for once, after he persuaded me to start cooking it,  I have to agree with him. The deep orange flesh is naturally sweet and delicious. 
I am a huge fan of roasting pretty much every vegetable. It is my cooking method of choice in the winter as it warms up the house, takes no constant attention and is super easy.
Once roasted, the squash can be used in a number of ways - eaten just as is, or used with additional ingredients to create something more complex such as a soup, or accompaniment for pasta.

Basic Roasted Butternut Squash: 

    Yes, while pre-peeled and pre-cubed squash can be picked up at most supermarkets, I prefer to deal with the whole thing myself. It really isn't all that difficult and you have a better handle on the safety of the preparation.

  • Preheat oven to at least 350 degrees (although you could go as high as 400 depending on how quickly you want to roast the squash)
  • Line a roasting pan with foil.
  • Wash the squash and cut across into rather large pieces. Then, cut those in half length wise.
  • Many will recommend that you peel the squash, but I find cooking then peeling makes this a much simpler process.
  • From the "bulb" of the squash, remove the seeds and as much of the stringy part as you can with a spoon. 
  • Place all of the pieces cut side down in the pan and add about a 1/4 cup of water.
  • Cover pan with foil and place in hot oven. Roast at 350 for about 1 hour. Be sure to test for doneness at the 30 minute mark.  Squash is done when it can be easily pierced with a fork or skewer.
  • Notes: at this point, it can be served deliciously with a pat of butter and if you really want to gild the lily, a sprinkle of brown sugar. Even the peel can be eaten on a tender enough squash.(Hello, Fiber!) Or, if you're doing some advance prep for meals later in the week, the cooked squash can be stored in the fridge for use in the next 2-3 days following cooking.

Happy Cooking!


  1. Thanks Texas Gal. I am so doing this one.

  2. Save some squash. Tomorrow, I'll be posting a pasta dish using the roasted squash.


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