Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. El Syd, who knows me so well, gave me this amazingly lovely copper jam pan. While not necessary to make jam, the copper material is great for cooking high sugar items like jams and jellies (due to its reactive nature, it can't be used for other foods) & it's wide, squat shape makes it perfect for boiling off excess liquid and making for ease in setting jams and jellies. 

I can't wait to whip up something in this pan and see the magic happen. Speaking of magic, somehow, a whole year has passed since I began this little blogging endeavor. My first post was 1/19/13. In the past year, I've had fun writing and cooking. 57 posts - so with an average of one post a week, I suppose I'm more like a slow-cooker when it comes to blogging rather than a flash fryer. I'm okay with that - slow and steady rather than a flash in the pan. This upcoming year, as I reach for balance and growth and simplicity, I hope to flesh out an actual plan for these blog entries rather than being so on a whim, fly by the seat of my pants. 

To all of you who read this, I thank you for following along and hope you'll continue to do so.

Until the next entry ~

Happy Cooking!

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