Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Easy as 1-2-3 {Shredded Chicken}

Fair reader, you may have already figured this out, but just in case you haven't, I'm fairly traditional when it comes to most things cookery-related. I like to cut up my own vegetables. I make my own crusts (okay, most of the time). I like to cook my own chicken for use in things like chicken salad or soups, etc. I like to make things from start to finish as much as I possibly can. Most of the time, I do these things without complaint as I see it is just part of the process.

In addition to a "do it my own damn self" attitude, add to that a healthy heap of "I'll believe it when I see it." So, when I heard faint whispers that there was an easier way to shred cooked chicken meat than my traditional, old school, two-forks-in-opposition method, I was skeptical. 

I decided to try out this rumored easy method that entails freshly cooked chicken breast meat, a Kitchenaid stand mixer with standard paddle attachment and about...oh....3 minutes of your time.

Here's what I did and what I will do forever more:

  1. Cook your chicken breasts however you prefer: roasted in the oven, steamed, simmered in water, your choice. If skinless and boneless, you're good to go. If not, skin and pull meat from the bone.
  2. Place still warm, cooked meat in the bowl of your mixer.
  3. Drop paddle attachment and "mix" on about speed 2 for about 2 minutes. Pay attention because this happens very quickly and you can end up with "chicken pate" pretty darn quick. Stop mixer and voila!

    I can say with complete confidence that I am a mixer-shred convert and you will never hear the tell-tale signs (nor the curse words) associated with the 2 fork method again. 

    While I didn't try it myself, if you don't have a stand mixer, I'd be willing to guess that this would work (albeit a bit slower) with a hand mixer and beaters. I'll give that a whirl next go 'round and let you know. Or, maybe someone out there will test it out for us and report back.

    Happy Cooking!

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