Friday, February 14, 2014

More Than an Apple For The Teacher {Roasted Butternut Squash with Caramelized Pear Soup}

I have a soft spot in my heart for educators. Teachers have an increasingly thankless job and yet it is the most important one on the planet. Our local PTA at the elementary school that my son attends (and my daughter attended up until this year when she moved on up to middle school) does a lot in the way of hospitality for the faculty and staff at our school so that we can show them how much they are appreciated. One of the things they organize almost every month is a themed luncheon on site at the school for them. Then, parents can volunteer to send in a dish or dessert that fits that theme so that the teachers, etc can enjoy a buffet during their lunch period.

This month's theme was Soup and Salad. Typically, I send a dessert (see here) and last time they did soup I sent this. After seeing the list of items that were being sent this month, I decided that a delicious vegan offering would be a great addition to the menu that was filled with fabulous sounding things like Taco Soup, Baked Potato Soup, Cheese Soup, Ravioli Soup, etc. The only problem is was that I don't really have a bunch of vegan items in my binder of tried and true recipes. I searched through a few of my favorite vegetable soup recipes and decided that one that we featured during a TGK Cooking Club session could easily be adapted to for a vegan lifestyle. Considering that not a drop was left and I was stopped no fewer than 5 times by teachers commenting on the soup as I visited the campus today, I'd say it was a success!

Roasted Butternut with Caramelized Pear Soup

  • 5 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 red Anjou pears, cored and cut into 1/4 in thick slices
  • 4 celery stalks, cut into 1/2 in dice
  • 2 yellow onions, cut into 1/2 in dice
  • 6 garlic cloves, minced
  • 4 lbs of butternut squash puree (see notes for info)
  • 4 C vegetable broth (plus a bit more, if needed)
  1. In a large (5 1/2 Qt) Dutch oven, over medium-high, heat 2 Tbsp of the olive oil. Add enough pear slices to form a single layer and cook, turning once, until caramelized on both sides (about 4-5 minutes total - you want a nice browned color, but not burnt). Transfer cooked pears to a plate and repeat to cook the remaining pears.
  2. In the same pot, over medium heat, heat the remaining olive oil. Add the celery and onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 10 minutes. Add the garlic, and cook briefly (about 30 sec or so.) Stir in the squash puree, the 4 cups broth, the pears and salt and pepper (to taste). Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 10 minutes more.
  3. Using an immersion blender, puree the soup until smooth. Add more broth or water if needed to reach the desired consistency of the soup. Ladle into bowls and enjoy!
  • Butternut Squash Puree: Follow directions seen here. Use the cooked squash (scooped from the shell.) Since the soup will be pureed in the pot, the smoothness and silkiness is less important at the cooking stage.
  • If you do not have an immersion blender, I highly recommend you get one. Otherwise, in order to puree the soup, you will need to use a standard blender and transfer batches of hot soup to puree to the blender and place it in a new pot. Continue until all of the soup is pureed taking care to not blow the top off of your blender.
  • If you would like to make a variation that is not vegan, make the following substitutions/additions
    • butter instead of olive oil (same amounts)
    • chicken stock instead of vegetable broth (same amounts)
    • use one cup of half & half instead of broth/water to thin soup in step 3.
  • To gild the lily:
    • Caramelize 2 extra pears and lay slices on top of the individual servings.
    • Top individual servings with a few toasted hazelnuts or other toasted nuts of your choice.
    • For non-vegans: On a baking sheet, bake 8 oz of thin prosciutto in a 350F oven for about 20 minutes (until crispy) Allow to cool and then use to garnish individual servings.(along with pear garnish - fabulous!)
This soup is just so delicious. It is sweet and savory at the same time and the vegan version is creamy and silky without a touch of dairy. 

Happy Cooking!

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